The Logarian family is one of the oldest in Lacquered humanity, they actually predate the creation of the Lakoria state, of which they are stakeholders.
Their holdings are in the West and South Western parts of Lakoria, they own most land, but lease it out to their subjects at very fair prices. Their main income is through trade as Log, their main city is the second greatest port on Lakoria, and the only port in its west.
Its heir in the first days of the Age of the Gates is Manie Logarian, a 10 year old prince that uses the title Lord Mayor of Log. The prince has a high pitched voice and a short temper when treated as a child. If proper respect is shown, he is gracious.
(In the map you will find log as the western port, consider all the lands to the south owned by the family, including the desert peninsula)
Foundry VTT Maps
The Port
You will find the offices of Manina Brightcoin, and much more! Click here to get the files for Foundryvtt import.
The Castle Log
This is the ancestral home of the Logarian family. Click here to get the files for Foundryvtt import.