the 3 goblin duchies goblin duke goblin duchy

The 3 Goblin Duchies

13 mins read

The Duchy Peninsula

In the dark and treacherous lands of the goblin races, there lie three Goblin Duchies that are feared and revered in equal measure. These lands are populated by vile creatures that delight in the screams of their prey and the shedding of blood.

the 3 goblin duchies goblin duke goblin duchy


Lostwindian Duchy

The Lostwindian Duchy, situated in the west, is home to independent giant tribes that roam the rugged terrain.

This Duchy is ruled by a brutal and merciless hierarchy, where the strongest goblins rule with an iron fist. The capital city of Eszi is shrouded in a perpetual fog, making it an eerie and ominous place to behold. The goblin war drums can be heard echoing throughout the land, and the giant tribes are rumored to engage in cannibalism, devouring the flesh of their enemies.

The Grand Duchy of Gragienia

The Grand Duchy of Gragienia is the holder of dark alliances, and its capital city of Dobruing is a place of terror and death. This Duchy is the most powerful of the three, and its goblin lords are notorious for their cunning and treachery. The ruling hierarchy is composed of backstabbing and power-hungry goblins who will stop at nothing to gain more power. The goblin armies of Gragienia are vast and deadly, and they are feared throughout the land for their ruthless tactics and complete disregard for life.

the 3 goblin duchies goblin duke goblin duchy

The Duchy of the calm Snowstorm


The Snowstorm Duchy lies in the east, with its capital city of Vrea nestled amidst snow-capped mountains. The goblins of this Duchy have tolerated the settlement of humans, snakefolk, and dwarves, but they are not to be trusted. The goblin lords of Snowstorm Duchy are known for their love of torture and sadistic pleasures, and they view the other species as nothing more than playthings to be toyed with and discarded at will. The snowstorms that frequently sweep across the land only add to the ominous and foreboding atmosphere of this Duchy.

The Fourth Duchy in the West

The Litlecia Duchy is populated and ruled by Lizardfolk, so it cannot be considered among the Goblin Duchies. See more about a notable exile Duke you may encounter.

The Alliance with the Beylik of Ssirtsia

Despite their inherent distrust of other species, the three Goblin Duchies have formed a tenuous alliance with the neighboring Beylik of Ssirtsia, a land populated by sly and cunning Yuan-ti – snakefolk. The goblins view the snakefolk with both fear and admiration, for they possess an intelligence and cleverness that the goblins lack.

The alliance between the Goblin Duchies and the Beylik is not one of friendship or trust, but rather one of mutual benefit. The snakefolk are expert traders and merchants, and they have struck a deal with the goblin lords to supply them with goods and information in exchange forthe 3 goblin duchies goblin duke goblin duchy snakefolk yuan ti protection and a share of the spoils of war.

The goblin armies and the snakefolk mercenaries often fight side by side in battles against common enemies, such as invading human armies or Orc tribes. The snakefolk are skilled assassins and spies, and they often provide valuable intelligence to the goblin lords before battles or ambushes.

Despite the benefits of the alliance, tensions between the goblins and the snakefolk often run high. The goblins view the snakefolk as untrustworthy and sneaky, and the snakefolk see the goblins as brutish and uncivilized. However, both sides understand the value of the alliance, and they continue to work together towards their mutual goals.

In times of peace, the Beylik of Ssirtsia sends its merchants and traders into the Goblin Duchies to conduct business, often accompanied by guards and mercenaries. The snakefolk are careful to avoid offending the goblin lords, and they make sure to pay tribute and show respect to the rulers of each Duchy.

Despite the inherent tension and distrust between the goblins and the snakefolk, the alliance between the three Goblin Duchies and the Beylik of Ssirtsia has endured for many years. As long as their mutual interests align, the goblins and the snakefolk will continue to work together towards their common goals, each side carefully watching the other for signs of treachery or betrayal.


In all three of the Goblin Duchies, the hierarchy is entrenched in the culture, and it is nearly impossible to rise up through the ranks without spilling blood. These lands are primitive and barbaric, and only the strongest and most cunning survive. Those who dare to enter these lands do so at their own peril, for the goblins and their kin are always hungry for fresh prey.

The goblins of the three Goblin Duchies are a deeply superstitious people, and they hold two main festivals each year to honor their beliefs about death and the afterlife.

The Festival of the Dead

The first festival is known as the Festival of the Dead Ancestors, and it takes place during the autumn months when the leaves begin to fall from the trees. This festival is a time for the goblins to honor their ancestors and the spirits of the dead. The goblins believe that the spirits of their ancestors return to the mortal realm during this time, and they set out offerings of food and drink to welcome them.the 3 goblin duchies goblin duke goblin duchy

During the Festival of the Ancestors, the goblins gather in their villages and towns to share stories about their ancestors and to pay their respects. They light candles and lanterns to guide the spirits of the dead back to their homes, and they hold feasts to celebrate their memory.

The festival of the Future Dead

The second festival is known as the Festival of the Future, and it takes place during the winter months when the snows are deepest. This festival is a time for the goblins to honor those who will die in the coming year. The goblins believe that by honoring those who will die, they can appease the spirits of death and prevent more deaths from occurring.

During the Festival of the Future Dead, the goblins hold mock battles and competitions to determine who will be chosen to die in the coming year. These competitions are seen as a way to honor those who will die, and those who are chosen are considered to be blessed by the spirits of death.

The goblins also make offerings of food and drink to the spirits of death during the Festival of the Future, hoping to appease them and prevent more deaths from occurring. They light candles and lanterns to guide the spirits of death away from their homes, and they hold somber ceremonies to mark the passing of those who will die in the coming year.

Both the Festival of the Ancestors and the Festival of the Future are deeply ingrained in the culture of the goblin people. They are seen as important times for reflection, remembrance, and preparation for the future. Despite their brutal and violent ways, the goblins hold deep reverence for the mysteries of death and the afterlife, and these festivals reflect their deep-seated beliefs.

Map of the Goblin Duchies

The 3 Goblin Duchies

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Your fav Career Coach! Lambros Stravelakis is a career coach and dungeon master with a unique and often humorous approach to problem solving and helping others. He believes in using fun and humor to unlock the potential for tremendous growth and success. Through his guidance, he has helped dozens of clients find success and fulfillment in their careers. Lambros helps his clients break through the barriers of “the status quo” and use their bold, creative ideas to reach the goals they desire in life and work. He takes a “no-nonsense” approach to get things done, and he’s always encouraging his clients to use their unique talents and ideas to find their own unique paths to success.

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